Part 14
(This is my imagination on how the story of Jesus would be displayed today, if Jesus comes to New York. My imagination is based on the Gospel of John.)

Narrator: Jesus is speaking to his students.

Jesus: Trust God. Don't worry. Trust me. 

There is plenty of room for you in my Father's house. I'm on my way to get a room ready for you. After that, I'll come back and get you so you can live there. 

By the way, you know the way I'm taking, right? 

THOMAS: Pastor, we have no idea where you're going. How do you expect us to know the way? 

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 
You can come to the Father through me, because I am the way. 

When you know me, you know my Father as well. 
So, you do know him. You've even seen him! 

PHIL: Show us the Father; then that will be enough. 

Jesus: You've been with me all this time, Phil, and you still don't understand? To see me is to see the Father. Believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. 

The words that I speak to you are the words of my Father. The Father who resides in me crafts each word and each divine act. So, at least believe what you see, my works. Believe me. I am in my Father and my Father is in me. Mathematically speaking, it means one. 

(Silence) I am giving you the same work to do that I've been doing. The person who trusts me will do what I'm doing and even greater things, because I am on my way to the Father. Also, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I'll do it. That's how my Father is seen through you. Remain in me. Then, whatever you request, I'll do. 

As for me everything is simple. If you love me, you do what I've told you. When you know my command and keep them, you love me. And you who love me will be loved by my Father. I will love you and make myself plain to you.

The message you are hearing isn't mine. It's the message of the Father who sent me. If you love me, you will carefully keep my word and my Father will love you. To love me is to keep my words.

I am asking the Father to provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. You know the Spirit already because the Spirit has been staying with you, and will even be in you! 

I'm coming back. But in just a little while the world will no longer see me, but you're going to see me because I am alive and you're about to come alive. At that moment you will know absolutely that I'm in my Father, and you're in me, and I'm in you. 

I'm telling you these things while I'm still with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send, will make everything plain to you. The Spirit will remind you of all the things I have told you. So, I'm leaving you well and whole. That's my parting gift to you. Peace! 

You've heard me saying, “I'm going away, and I'm coming back.” If you loved me, you would be glad that I'm on my way to the Father because the Father is the goal and purpose of my life. 

I've told you this ahead of time, before it happens, so that when it does happen, the confirmation will deepen your belief in me. 

I'll not be talking with you much more like this because the chief of this godless world is about to attack. But he has no basis for an accusation against me. 

The world will know how thoroughly I love the Father and how I am carrying out my Father's instructions right down to the last detail. 

Narrator: Now Jesus is in a TV studio. It is a late night show. 
DAVID LETTERMAN: (on TV) Thank you for coming. I enjoyed your conversation with Charlie Rose, even though many say that they couldn’t understand. 

Jesus: Thanks. I am sure you didn’t understand either? (The audiences laugh.) But anyway, I think this will be my last interview. 

DAVID: Why? Is Mr. Obama calling you to help him out? 

Jesus: (Laugh) No. 

DAVID: Why? Are you going to go to North Korea as some people say? 

Jesus: (Laugh) No. 

DAVID: Jesus, I am little worry about you. Some people are really mad at you. (The audiences laugh.) They don’t like you working with other religious people. They think you are so liberal, you know. 

Jesus: Yes, but I already have done something that no one has ever done. I show them signs that come right out of God. But they are thinking about beating me. 

David: Oh, also they think if you become a leader, they don’t know who is in more danger: you or your students. (The audiences laugh.) 

Jesus: I guess then they will beat my students, too. (Audience laughs) Some will stand against my students as well, after I die. If only they know the One who sent me… Otherwise, they are going to do something that they are going to regret. So, they better listen to my students. 

But I am sure that those who did what I told them will do exactly what my students tell them. That is what I want to tell you plainly.

David: Are you going to preach at Washington Breakfast… (Conversation continues)

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