
JESUS (V.O.): A large crowd followed me, because they saw the tremendous things I was doing for the sick.

In this time, I went to the central park and sat down with my students. Well, we all looked up and saw that a lot of people were coming to me.

Jesus: Phil, how will we buy enough food to feed all these people?

PHIL: I think…. it will take about five hundred dollars’ worth?

JESUS (V.O.): Then, ANDY who was Rock’s brother said:

ANDY: There’s a kid here who has five buns and two hot dogs. (little embarrassed and laughs)

Jesus: Please tell the people to sit.

JESUS (V.O.): There was a lot of grass at this spot. So the people, over five thousand, sat down. I took the buns, said grace, and served the people. I did the same with the hot dogs, and everybody took as many as they wanted. When they finished eating, I told my students:

Jesus: Why don’t you gather up the leftovers?

JESUS (V.O.): They collected twelve big basketsful of leftovers. Seeing me do such a thing, the people were like:

Person #1: This must be the man of God that we’ve been waiting for. He is the man is going to fix the world!
Person #2: Don’t you realize? We got draft him as our presidential candidate.

JESUS (V.O.): So, I checked out of there and went away for prayer. My students went down to the river, got in a boat, and headed back first. It had already gotten dark. A strong wind was blowing.

When they were three or four miles out, they saw me walking on the water. As I kept coming closer, they were terrified.

Jesus: Hey, it’s me! You have nothing to worry about.

JESUS (V.O.): Well, they did agree to take me on board, and that quick the boat was at the land they were heading toward. Next morning the crowd who stayed on the other side of the sea started searching for me. They knew that I had not left with my students. So they search everywhere. When they realized that I wasn’t there, they went to look for me on the other side. When they found me they said:

PERSON #1: Pastor, how did you get here?

Jesus: I want to tell you something. You need to read my signs right. What do my signs tell you? If you understand you will work for the food that produces true eternal life.

Read my signs right and work for the food that nourishes your spiritual life, which I can give you? The Father God authorized me to do this.

PERSON #2: Yeah? We want that. How can we get it?

Jesus: Then, believe in the one whom the Father sent.

PERSON #3: Well, we need some more evidences. What are you providing that we can examine? What will you give us to trust you? What are you offering?

Jesus: See, my Father gives you the real bread from above. It is the bread of God who comes down from on high and gives the true life.

PERSON #1: Mister, give us this bread.

Jesus: I am the bread of life! The person who takes my way will be always full and satisfied. And the one who bases his life on mine will have always enough. If you really know this, you will leap for joy. I’ll take all that the Father gives me. I will honor anyone who takes my way. I have come down from on high to carry out the desire of the one who sent me. And what is the desire? That I should give people newness of life.

It is my Father’s desire that everyone who really looks at the Son and takes the leap with him should have spiritual life, and I myself will make them new.

That is why I said I myself am the bread that came down from above.
(The people got into a big hassle with one another.)

PERSON #4: (talking to people) Why, isn’t this old Joe’s boy? Don’t we ourselves know his mama and daddy? How come he now claims that “I have come down from on high?”

Jesus: You can only come with me if the Father, who sent me, attracts you to me, so that I would make you new. The Bible says, ‘All will be God-taught.’ Anyone who listens and learns from the Father follows my way.

Only the One who is from the Father have actually seen God. If you have a faith in my words, you have spiritual life. I am the bread of life! If you eat this bread you will live forever. I am indeed the life bread that came down from above. If you eat, you’ll be alive even in the new age to come.

Now the bread that I give for this life is my own flesh.

PERSON #4: (The people got into a big hassle with one another.) How can he give us his flesh to eat?

Jesus: I am really serious, spiritually. If you eat the flesh and drink the blood, you’ll have inner life. He who feasts on my flesh and drinks my blood has spiritual life, and I’ll make him new. My flesh is real food, and my blood is real drink. He who feasts on my flesh and drinks my blood lives on in me and I in him. Even as the living Father sent me, so does the Father sustain me. And I will sustain those who feast on me. This is the food that descended from above. He who feasts on this food will be alive forever…

MANY STUDENTS: This lesson is hard to swallow. Who can take it?

Jesus: Does it puzzle you, too? You need to see the son of man ascending to his former position? Listen, it is the spirit that makes a human alive. It is spirit and life that I’ve been talking to you about. (Pause) Yeah, I know, my Father has to motivate you to follow my way.

JESUS (V.O.): At this point a lot of my students called it quits and dropped out. So I said to the twelve Jesus: Are you leaving, too?

ROCK: Pardon me? To whom shall we turn? You have the words of spiritual life. Besides, we have confidence that you are God’s special One!

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