Narrator: It is 2009 now. Jesus is passing a busy street.

JESUS (V.O.): Two thousand years ago people didn’t have radio, TV, or internet, as you know. So, I was able to have a quieter time. But today, it was quite a different story, when I came back to live in Schenectady.

Narrator: It is in a TV Station at SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK. You can see people are getting ready for their nightly news. Every people are now zoomed into newswoman and man…

JOE: Today we have heard that Jesus lay down some rule for his campaign: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” One of his students was saying that it explains the life of Jesus. Tim has been following the news. Hi, Tim.

TIM: Hello Joe. Yes, his students were saying that that this theme is going to dominate his movement. We have here a local resident who remembered the story Jesus told yesterday concerning this.
You were telling….

A LOCAL RESIDENT: Yes. Yesterday, a pastor came to Jesus and said: "Doc, how can we be saved?" Jesus said, "What is your opinion?"
The pastor said, "We got to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind; and love our neighbor as ourselves."

Jesus answered, "That sounds nice. Why don’t you do just that? You will be fine.”

Then, the pastor asked, "But ... er ... but ... just who is my neighbor?"
Then, Jesus told a story. "A man was going home, and some gangsters held him up. They not only rob him but also beat him up and drove off in his car, leaving him unconscious.

"Then a Muslim man traveling that way came, and what he saw moved him to tears. He stopped and bound up his wounds, drew some water to wipe away the blood and then laid him on the back seat. He drove on and took him to the hospital and said to the nurse, 'Take good care of him. Here’s the twenty I got, but you all keep account of what he owes, and if he can't pay it, I'll settle up with you when I make a pay-day.'

"Now if you had been the man held up by the gangsters, would you hope to have this Muslim man, as your neighbor?"

The pastor said, "Why, of course, the terroris - I mean, er ... well, er ... yes."

Jesus said, "You are right. Live accordingly. You will be fine.”

Narrator: It is now in NBC Station.
NEWS WOMAN #1: Good morning, Sarah. Jesus has been making things happened in these days, isn’t he?

SARAH: O boy! We have a very interesting story. It is sort of upside down story. We have a local Deli owner. Thank you for coming. You have a story to tell us.

DELI OWNER: When Jesus entered our town, there was a very rich man who doesn’t have a good reputation. He was trying to get a glimpse of Jesus to see what he looked like, but he couldn't do it because he was a short man.

So he ran on ahead and climbed up a tree so he could spot him. When Jesus got to the place, he looked up and said, "Zeke Gears, come down, because I got to stay at your house today." Mr. Gears slid down right away and gladly took him home.

During the meal, Mr. Gears got up and said, "Look, half of what I own, sir, I'm giving to the poor, and if I have . . . er . . . cheated anyone . . . er . . . anyone, that is. I'll pay back four times the amount."

Jesus said, "Today new life has arrived at this house! I came to search out and rescue anybody who gets off the track."

SARAH: That is it, folks. (Puzzled looking)

NEWSWOMAN: I thought Jesus was a normal Christian.

NEWSMAN: O boy! We have just received some news here. George was able to have an interview with one of the disciples of Jesus. George?

GEORGE: Yep. We were able to talk with Peter for awhile. The full coverage will be at tonight’s nightline at 9. But I would like to show a clip from the interview. He is going to share with us a story that Jesus told.

PETER: Jesus likes to tell story when he wants to warn about something… Many of us didn’t really understand well at first. But Jesus told this story a while ago. He said:

"When Jesus assumes his authority, all the nations will be assembled before him, and he will sort them out. Then this Leader will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you pride of my Father, share the joy that was set up for you since creation. When I was hungry, you shared your food. When I was thirsty, you shared your water. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, ragged and you clothed me, sick and you nursed me. When I was in jail, you stood by me.’ Then the people will answer, ‘Sir, what are you talking about?’ Then, Jesus will reply, ‘When you did it to one of these humble people, you did it to me…’

GEORGE: It is interesting… We will see you tonight at 9…

Narrator: It is now in PBS Station. Bill Moyers and Jesus are talking with each other.

BIIL MOYERS: You become a phenomenon. Every night we hear something about you and what you did and what you said. Comedians are having fun with various reporters who didn’t know what to ask of you. This interview with you, I am sure, will be seen many times in youtube. What do you make of all this, Jesus? What is really going on? Why are people so attracted by you?

Jesus: It is difficult to tell. Let me try.
But I came into the world to shines my light more clearly. In other words, I became a man and moved in with people. People got one favor after another from my overflowing abundant grace. Moreover, I gave them my love and compassion. Since no one has ever actually seen my Father, I have come to made him known. I am happy that some people were able to see it. They also saw me as the only Son of the Father who is full of compassion and love…

Narrator: It is now in FOX NEWS. After showing the interview, the two anchors are looking at each other.

NEWSMAN: Did you understand what Jesus was saying?

NEWSWOMAN: O boy! He is claming to be somebody. But I think he sounds nice guy. Now we will have a break here. While we are away…..

What is next?
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This is part 0 in a series of posts on “Jesus of New York.” The full series is Part 0, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8… and Part 21.

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